"A quarter of those questioned said they played for more
than 41 hours a week. But Dr Davies does not think this is
unhealthy. He said: 'Most people I know spend about 3-4 hours
a night watching TV'..."
- "Fantasy games 'not for geeks'", reveals... fantasy gamer
...though if they were spending (41/7 =) nearly 6 hours
watching *the same programme* every night, maybe
there'd be more cause for concern?
prof shirky - or doc mabuse?
As they forked over the money in a forebodingly gloomy
Silicon Valley, you could tell the EMERGING TECH attendees
were a bit nervy. Sure, the first one had sounded great. But
this year? The talks didn't look earth-shattering (Howard
Rheingold *and* smart name tags? Be still my heart!). The
Valley itself looked a little less salubrious, a little more
"Famous Home Of Google, Inc (Population 25)". And the rumour
going around was that this had become "just a blogging
conference" - as though bloggers were somehow to tech
culture what furries are to science fiction. From a dazed
Esther Dyson, to the feral teenhackers scavenging on the
sidelines, you could smell the fear: that they were about to
turn up a year late and several hundred dollars short.
- ah, trackback: the referer logs you enter in manually
But if Emerging Tech was supposed to become some
self-referential circle-jerk of blathering pundits, not
everyone got the memo. Like hardware-core hackers Bunny
Huang and Eric Blossom, who respectively tutored FPGA
programming and Game-Cube sniffing, and previewed the $300
USB 2.0 GNU Radio setup. Or Brit Stuart Cheshire, splurting
out the details of Apple's IETFish standard "appletalk
without the backchat" zeroconf implementation and grinning
like the eponymous cat when he got a networked printer to
work straight out of the box. Or Tim O'Reilly himself,
whipping up a GeekCorps/Jhai PC/Redundant Tech hacktivists
summit to sort out ways to smuggle appropriate IT into the
developing world. Even the core of pontentially deep waffle
talks - the Semantic Web kids, the Social Software
chin-scratchers, hell, even those nattily dressed bloggers
in their multi-tabbed Safaris - pulled back from the brink
with presentations that were more Mathematica than
Powerpoint, delivering cartloads of stats and research to
back up their arguments. Somewhere along the line, they'd
stumbled on some facts.
- first against the wall when Valenti is president
- appletalk without all that "i'm a macintosh!" nonsense
- including an up my street inter mortem
- london psychogeography
- geek activism summit
And there were low points. But the audience, already
hypersensitised by brooding, Google-cold-turkeying Reg
journalist Andrew Orlowski (whom NTK wishes nothing but good
fortune), chose to turn on those who waffled and handwaved,
as though they were burning entrance fee dollars in front of
their faces. Attendees ran out screaming from the "Social
Software Alliance"'s attempt to bore people into
professional union. The sizeable British invasion sat around
cackling "bollocks" if anyone even for a second tried to
pull that Americanocentric ... well, bollocks. Marc Canter,
founder of Macromedia, shouted at everyone, just to make
sure they were paying attention. And the emerging
technologies shuddered and thrashed, but still continued to
emerge. It's a slightly older new frontier, but they're not
blogging a dead horse yet.
- you know, a simple "I'm washing my hair tonight" would have done, Andrew
- doooooooooooomed
berating the obvious
everything OK there? http://www.ntk.net/2003/04/25/dohham.gif
... Freudian slip over what Digital Rights Management tech is
really for: http://www.ntk.net/2003/04/25/dohpriv.gif ...
slight GOOGLE GOOFS backlog: newtwork, foolball, "eerie clam",
http://www.google.com/search?&q=%22martian+luther+king%22 ...
retro-trends - cybersquatting: http://www.sclub8.com/ , plus:
... regional press mock hoax victims, redefine "133t haxOrs":
... never any question of CRAIG DAVID (or "his lady") "cheatin'
around": http://www.ntk.net/2003/04/25/dohcheat.gif ...
ORLOWSKI combines Blondie drummer Clem Burke with guitarist
Chris Stein: http://www.ntk.net/2003/04/25/dohorlo1.gif ;
devises more "Pants" version of "The Black/ White Panthers":
http://www.ntk.net/2003/04/25/dohorlo2.gif - you know, hating
GOOGLE must really cut into his fact- and spell-checking...
goto's considered non-harmful
When writing a profile of WILLIAM GIBSON, be sure to mention
that, when he originally wrote "Neuromancer", not only did he
not know what a "modem" was, but he had never even seen a
computer, and had been raised in the forest by ponies. Anyway,
there's still time to catch the second half of his UK tour
(tonight in Birmingham UKP3, tomorrow Sat 2003-04-26 at
London's Forbidden Planet, presumably free), reading from and
signing his acclaimed present-day return-to-form PATTERN
RECOGNITION (Penguin hardback, UKP16.99). The new book is
described as "a real sensual pleasure" by one of our favourite
cultural commentators - The Register's international man of
letters, Andrew Orlowski - although Gibson himself "doesn't
come across as a natural writer" and is "lucky to have chosen
technology as his underlying subject matter", according to
those intrepid cartographers of the human condition over at
EDGE magazine.
- soon to disown the cult of blog, says "Recognition Patterns" Orlowski
- "I'm reading slower"; Gibson certainly not speaking faster
- Forbidden Planet likely to be "busy", hackers warn
- in London on Tue: volunteer your password, win a pen
- MayDay mayhem on Thu: pop-ups, frames, flash intro
- Thursday after: Paul Granjon presents Nottingham robot lab
ceci n'est pas une http://www.gagpipe.com/
MICROSOFT getting into the influential bookwarez business:
http://research.microsoft.com/~daniel/unix-haters.html ...
ANNE FRANK fan fiction (reassuringly, all rated "PG-13" or
below): http://www.fanfiction.net/list.php?categoryid=1218 -
vs http://www.hermit.org/Blakes7/Gallery/Special.html ...
first MAHIR, then Al-Jazeera?: http://www.ikissyou.org/ ...
quest for the world's worst open-source-themed songwriting:
http://www.openbsd.org/lyrics.html - as ever, Stallman's "Join
us now and share the software" is a tough one to beat...
reinvigorating well-worn theme: http://www.gaybetamax.co.uk/
(via http://www.proteinos.com/ , needs Quicktime, sorry)...
following previous NTK discussions of "the [golden] ratio":
http://www.ladle.demon.co.uk/misc/mirage/ + other maths news:
... select text - spamdexing, or something more supernatural?:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/wiltshire/villages/imber.shtml ...
get out less
TV>> scathing social commentary FRIENDS (9pm, Fri, C4) at last
highlights the dangers of poor identity authentication and
photomanipulation on Friends Reunited-style sites... WILL AND
GRACE (9.30pm, Fri, C4) returns with a whole new series of
stereotypical gay/straight jokes... and there's another chance
to see the UK's games industry's latest risible attempt at
taking itself seriously in B-list celebrity award show GAME
STARS (12.35am, Fri, ITV) - "And the winner is: Solid Snake!"
[unidentified man steps up from crowd]... SPEND SPEND SPEND
(7.05pm, Sat, BBC2) takes an intermittently anti-consumerist
look at whether money really can make you happy... DYING FOR
DRUGS (8.30pm, Sun, C4) shows how to profit from suffering, if
you're a huge pharmaceutical company... and is surrealism the
answer, wonders "future of comedy" pilot one-off THE BOOSH
(9.30pm, Sun, BBC3)... Monday sees a handy medical triple-
bypass of SARS: KILLER BUG (9pm, Mon, C4), Wolfgang Petersen
aerial actioner OUTBREAK (9pm, Mon, C5), plus weird Nic Cage/
Scorsese paramedic paranoia trip BRINGING OUT THE DEAD (11pm,
Mon, ITV)... Armando "Saturday Night Armistice" Iannucci takes
a shot at the 11'O Clock Show slot with daily topical roundup
GASH (11pm, Mon-Thu, C4)... though it looks like they've had
problems coming up with just 30 mins of political satire every
week for THE STATE WE'RE IN (11.30pm, Tue, BBC3)... a techno-
loving Benedictine appears to be the hero of posh school
documentary MY TEACHER'S A MONK (10.30pm, Tue, ITV) - would
also make a good title for a sitcom... the myth of the lone
inventor is once again trotted out by lame Tomorrow's World
replacement INNOVATION NATION (8pm, Wed, BBC1)... while the
brief nude scenes are unlikely to get you through either
tormented painter biopic SURVIVING PICASSO (11.30pm, Wed, ITV)
- or the perhaps unfortunately named future prison sci-fi
FORTRESS 2: RE-ENTRY (10pm, Thu, C5)...
FILM>> it's "Alien" meets "Stand By Me" in yet another
tortuous Stephen King male-bonding misadventure DREAMCATCHER
( http://www.capalert.com/capreports/dreamcatcher.htm : attack
by alien to a man's crotch; no, it couldn't be like all the
other alien infestations ripping out of the stomach wall or
out the throat. It had to be the anus)... Spike Lee shows a
post "7-11" New York in imminent-jailtime last-hurrah THE 25TH
HOUR ( http://www.cndb.com/movie.html?title=THE+25th+HOUR :
there is indeed a bath tub scene with [Ed] Norton but [Rosario
"Josie And The Pussycats" Dawson] remains mostly covered by
bubbles; Anna [Paquin], like Rosario, is also not naked in the
final cut of the film)... the New York Times poster quote that
the cast "brings *some* of the vacant hep-cat suavity [...] of
Ocean's Eleven" [our emphasis] can't be a good sign for goofy
botched-heist Clooney vanity project WELCOME TO COLLINWOOD
( http://www.screenit.com/movies/2002/welcome_to_collinwood.html :
the camera focuses on [Jennifer "Spin City" Esposito's]
clothed butt as she bends over; it's possible some kids could
be enticed to try to pull off a crime)... and mother Charlize
Theron takes on brutal child-kidnapper Kevin Bacon in TRAPPED
( http://www.cndb.com/movie.html?title=Trapped+%282002%29 :
while Courtney [Love] is still on the ground there are five
frames of her right tit. She then stands up and the towel
blocks the rest of the view as she completely ditches the bra.
For the Courtney Love collector only)...
RED BOOK AUDIO>> the advert soundalikes seem to be tailing off
for the summer, with only SIMON CARLESS complaining that the
US KitKat ad "featuring wacky newscasters goofing off in a
commercial intermission to the tune/slogan 'Give Me A Break'"
had "such an Andrew WK-ripped-off soundtrack, it hurt". Simon
was unable to identify *which* of Andrew WK's tracks might
have inspired the ad, since he "only has the one". Among
broader pop similarities, very few seem to have commented on
the (intentional?) resemblance between Athlete's "El Salvador"
and Avril Lavigne's "Complicated"; or a karaoke track for the
Commodores' "Three Times A Lady" and Christine Aguilera's
"I Am Beautiful (In Every Single Way)" - though not in a way
"which is obviously apparent to the naked eye", notes I HATE
MUSIC http://www.freakytrigger.co.uk/2003_02_01_hated.html ...
ADRIAN MOULDER took the comparisons to the next level by
observing that right-wing historian and TV presenter Andrew
Roberts http://www.andrew-roberts.net/cv.htm is "pulling the
same face" as NTK's favourite Neo-Regency Face Warrior Gary Le
Strange http://www.garylestrange.co.uk/ . He then appears to
have confused us with the likes of http://www.b3ta.com/ by
suggesting that "someone (but not me) should do an animated
duet of Sweep (from The Sooty Show) singing the squeaky bits
of the new Madonna single", claiming to have "located some
frames already": http://makeashorterlink.com/?N15812D24 ,
http://members.lycos.co.uk/SootyandSweep/ ... and in the ever-
fertile field of videogame crossovers, TIM CANT enthused that
"Tekgul" by Mono Trona is "some Japanese bint wailing over the
C64 Parallax music - WORD UP!!!!", shamefacedly followed 3
days later by the confession "I meant Sanxion. HOW COULD I BE
SUCH A FOOL?!" In which case, it remained only fitting for
retro-gentleman ASHLEY POMEROY to ponder whether last year's
Amazon book title "Cryptography: a Very Short Introduction
(Very Short Introductions) (Very Short Introductions)" -
http://www.ntk.net/2003/04/25/dohverysho.gif - might have been
"a reference" to David "Whistlin' Rick" Wilson's covertape
track "Hold My Hand Very Tightly (Very Tightly)" - a classic
whose lyrics are thankfully preserved for future generations:
http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1190388 ...
Need to Know is a useful and interesting UK digest of things that
happened last week or might happen next week. You can read it
on Friday afternoon or print it out then take it home if you have
nothing better to do. It is compiled by NTK from stuff they get sent.
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